
Create workflow processes to manage your team’s activities and improve productivity. This includes identifying all steps in your process, even those that are interdependent, and capturing them with an outline of the flow chart. This is essential to avoid common mistakes in workflows, such as delays and bottlenecks.

Start with the Endpoint

Write down the desired outcome you hope to achieve with your workflow, for example a project milestone or new home page launch. This will help you determine the necessary activities such as information, people and technology that should be in place to achieve your goals. It will also help you determine whether the workflow is effective/successful.

Create and test workflows in a nonproduction setting before transferring them into your production environment. This will ensure that your business isn’t in danger due to untested or incomplete workflows.

Define actions, condition nodes, and wait nodes on a workflow canvas. Actions let you set you can try here up triggers that activate the process, for example, when a record meets certain criteria. You can also include a wait node to halt the progress of a document until a specific event occurs. Condition nodes permit you to evaluate records according to their properties and control the progress of the record based upon the evaluations.

Examine all steps of your workflow, especially those that involve handoffs. Handoffs between people or systems could be vulnerable points which could cause issues with communication or technical issues. Most often these are the main cause of bottlenecks or delays in a workflow. Making sure your processes are documented will help you avoid these mistakes.